Monday, July 6, 2009

Cellphone Pictures

Preston Smith at a campfire, taken on my cell phone :P

I love accidents like this. I moved my camera too quickly and voila! C'est moi!

Not a Messenger

Inspired by a note found in Emily's library book. I scanned it and used the actual writing, then composed the images around it. It wasn't turning out how I'd hoped, so I quit messing with it.

Moonlit Fortification

Submitted to a Prismacolor competition online. I got a package in the mail a couple months later with a thank you postcard and a free Prismacolor felt tip marker in a bright teal color. Hooray for free random stuff!
This is the statement I sent with the picture:

"Walking through history on ancient grounds, feeling the souls of people from the past. The uneven architecture slides past my fingertips, and I think of memories long gone. The ghosts around me whisper to tell their stories. They press against me, fervently motioning about their lives. My mind can't keep it all in, and their voices are lost in my thoughts. I may not remember their stories, but I can portray how it felt to be among them."