Thursday, January 15, 2009

2D Design Assignments

Card stock paper on illustration board. Non-objective asymmetrical piece.

Another card stock on illustration board, this time symmetrical following the same shape design as the first. These were taken on my green fluffy rug and I was too lazy to photoshop it out. :P

Stipple design on illustration board. We did a bunch of studies of a fruit or vegetable (I chose a sweet dumpling squash). Then we took some of the thumbnails and made a composition on a large piece of illustration board. We each had to choose a symbol that we would use with the stippling to make different textures. I used an "@" sign, organic shading, and words to make my piece.

Detail of the seeds in the squash piece.

Detail of the squash and @ signs to make texture.

Detail of the squash stipple project. I put hidden words along with the squash. Here you can see pineapple and melon.

This is called a Bio Machine. It is done with black and white card stock paper, xeroxed pictures, spray paint, and foam core (to get layers).

cAcrylic color wheel with color studies at the bottom.

Collage made from magazine pictures and layered with foam core.


  1. that's pretty cool, better than I was expecting. did you come up with the concept for the eye yourself?

  2. Yes, my prof told us to make the color wheel interesting and not just a circle with spokes. Everyone else changed the shape from circle to something else, I changed the shape around the circle :) And I'm glad it was better than you expected.

  3. Wow hon. You've improved a lot. The quality of your work is amazing! That whole art program is doing you wonders. You were amazing before, but this is a side to your art I've never seen before or realized existed. Nice work.

  4. Wow! That's cool! It's quite unqiue! It also looks like it would be super fun to do.

  5. Thanks for these great ideas. I hope to do some similar projects with my design students. :)
